@article{oai:ifatz.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000199, author = {ヤマト運輸㈱ and Yamato Transport Co., LTD. and Yamato Transport CO., LTD. and 田所, 夏子 and Tadokoro, Natsuko and Tadokoro, Natsuko and 原, 小百合 and Hara, Sayuri and Hara, Sayuri}, issue = {2}, journal = {公益財団法人石橋財団アーティゾン美術館研究紀要 = Artizon Museum, Ishibashi Foundation bulletin}, month = {Dec}, note = {9000414864359, 9000414864360, 9000414864361}, pages = {151--153}, title = {Development of Multipurpose Crates for the Transport of Paintings}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ヤマトウンユカブシキガイシャ and タドコロ, ナツコ and ハラ, サユリ} }